- "1000 sites * 20 services * 200 VOs * 10 roles/groups = 40M metadata"
- "100k CPUs * 10 jobs per day * 10 queries per job = 10M queries per day, 115 queries per second."
- Publishing one service adds 138 RDF statements to the triple store, which consumes up about 25 KB of memory. Then each triple uses 181 bytes. Each metadata has at least 3 triples: (entity, hasMetadata, metadata), (metadata, hasMetadataType, type), (metadata, hasMetadataValue, value). Thus 4M metadata uses 181 * 3 * 4M = 2.1GB.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Use Numbers
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Create A User Community to Improve Our Open Source Software
- Create impact. Open source software's value relies on its usage.
- Get feedback, which could be good ideas for the future work.
- Create a well organized website, easy downloads, a bugzilla system, etc. Twiki and Sourceforge are very helpful in this sense.
- Well answer questions by email.
- Create a user list, which includes the project name, url, contacts, etc.
Monday, December 04, 2006
My New Laptop
- Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7200 Processor 2.0GHz
- 2GB, 100GB HDD & DVD/RW Super Multi DL Drive
- 13.3" WXGA TFT Display, Bluetooth & FREE T-Mobile WAN Card
- ... ...
- And a fingerprint reader! So that I am able to log in Windows by using my fingerprint. Cool!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
八阕】美国大学与雇主协会,每年按4个季度分别发布新毕业的大学生、 硕士和博士研究生的薪水调查报告,这报告共涉及80个学士专业,40个硕士专业,23个博士专业。冬、春、夏三季发布的数据是各季度的数据,秋季版发布的 是去年8月31日到今年9月1日为止的整个学年数据。以下列出的是该协会最新公布的美国博士和硕士毕业生2006年秋季薪水调查报告。
1、商业管理(Business Administration/Management):$81,438
2、电气/电子与通信工程(Electrical/Electronics & Communications Engineering): $81,297
3、冶金工程(含陶瓷科学与工程)(Metallurgical Engineering ):$80,667
4、计算机科学(Computer Sciences):$76,630
5、化学工程(Chemical Engineering):$75,659
6、计算机工程(Computer Engineering):$74,750
7、工业/制造工程(Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering):$73,292
3、社会科学(Social Sciences):$48,487
4、生物/生命科学(Biological Sciences/Life Sciences):$43,916
5、英语语言与文学(English Language & Literature/Letters ):$41,405
01、计算机科学(Computer Sciences):$71,165
02、石油工程(Petroleum Engineering):$68,833
03、电气/电子与通信工程(Electrical/Electronics & Communications Engineering):$66,687
04、计算机工程(Computer Engineering):$66,545
05、地质及相关科学(Geological & Related Sciences):$64,111
06、材料科学(Materials Sciences):$63,500
07、航天/航空/宇航工程(Aerospace/Aeronautical/Astronautical Engineering):$62,811
08、工业/制造工程(Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering ):$61,273
09、机械工程(Mechanical Engineering):$61,234
10、化学工程(Chemical Engineering):$59,008
最低年薪:$64,620,最高年薪: $143,620
在公司和企业管理层谋职(Management of companies and enterprises):$126,250
在联邦政府谋职(Federal Government):$108,090
在法律机构谋职(Legal services):$99,580
在地方政府谋职(Local government):$73,410
在州政府谋职(State government):$70,280
外科、普通外科(Surgery, general):$255,438
内科(Internal medicine):$155,530
小儿/青少年科(Pediatrics/Adolescent medicine):$152,690
家庭全科(Family Practice):$150,267
高中毕业平均年薪: $28,645
大学毕业平均年薪: $51,554
- 选择专业前先要做好各个专业的benchmark, 什么专业工资最高。看来benchmark真是无时无地不重要。
- 计算机科学博士起薪只比计算机科学硕士高7.7%。虽然理论上博士比硕士有更好的成长空间,究竟读不读博士还是要慎重考虑。
- 医生收入压倒性的高,远高于其他专业,甚至包括律师。还是学医收入高。
- 读书有用啊。读书越多,收入越高。
"Indeed, it was outsiders—those with expertise at the periphery of a problem's field—who were most likely to find answers and do so quickly."
Friday, December 01, 2006
Java I/O
- FileInputStream/FileOutputStream: for sequential I/O and simple to buffer
- RandomAccessFile: for full random-access
- FileChannel: adds support for NIO byte buffers
- MappedByteBuffer: for memory-mapped I/O
- Buffering: for instance, use BufferedOutputStream for buffering FileOutputstream
- Forcing I/O, e.g. flush() or FileChannel.force(), equals to the "fsync" system call
- No direct I/O in Java